Thursday, August 27, 2015

Congratulations to our newest ETL!

Congratulations to our newest Executive Team Leader Cody Dominguez at Modern Marketing! This guy is someone who has continued to strive forward in order to reach his next level of success. A couple of ways Cody got to his current position were by maintaining the standards of the office and taking on certain roles of the Director. Some of the tasks involve conducting interviews, scheduling meetings through-out the week, and other countless tasks that are involved in running an office. He continues to take on additional responsibilities that are both inside and outside of his departments which shows his willingness to get involved and to become notice in all aspects. So let's congratulate all of those who wish to create their own drive and opportunity.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Congratulations Davia and Naeemah!

It's always nice to work with people who you not only consider coworkers but also your friends. Congratulations to Davia and Naeemah on their promotion to ETT, your hard work is definitely paying off! Both girls say that one of their biggest interests was and is swimming. Naeemah did swim in high school and Davia used to life guard during the summers. It is very clear to see that their past experiences have helped them to be successful. Both girls have proven that they are a great asset to the company. Congrats girls!

"It is literally true that you can succeed best and quickest by helping others to succeed."
- Napoleon Hill