Friday, April 24, 2015

Modern Marketing had the Keys to Success

Success is defined differently by all. For some, it may be getting a stable job, for others it may just be paying off those student loans. Success is not a standard definition that all can easily achieve. It is important to take the time to define what success is for you, and what it is that you can do to accomplish that. And of course, it is always important to know that you never have to settle for anyone else’s definition of success.

Along with the author of the amazing article, Stephen Key, I added my option on what it takes to be a successful person, no matter what the end result is for you.   

Seek out new experiences:

People live in their comfort zone. It is not until you step out into the unknown that you will realize what you are capable of doing. The wider the range of experiences, the more you will be exposed to different people, lifestyles, and points of view. If you can put yourself in someone else’s shoes you will have more empathy. Seeking out new experiences means you are challenging yourself and willing to learn.
Abandon your expectations:

Expectations lead to disappointment. The high expectations you have for someone or something may be something they aren’t even capable of. Walk into unfamiliar situation with an open mind. It is almost impossible to be let down if you don’t make assumptions about what should or shouldn’t have happened. When you open yourself up to possibilities amazing things will happen.

Treat everyone you meet with respect:

Everyone has something to offer. You can never judge a book by its cover. If you prejudged Steve Jobs and his white tennis shoes and khakis, a chance to network may never occur. To be successful, we all need help. It is impossible to predict who may be able to help you later. Don’t ever miss out on an opportunity to befriend someone, keep the judgments out.

Celebrate milestones, large or small:

Set a goal, no matter how big or small. And when you reach it, reward yourself. You’ll be much happier if you celebrate each step of the way. If you wait to celebrate that one exclusive goal, you might get discouraged along the way. When you celebrate, get together with friends and family and let them share with you your achievements.
Let go of the past:

Mistakes are the stepping stones to success. People who are willing to take risks and make mistakes. I believe that people learn for the mistakes they make. However with that you have to let go of the mistakes, and just take the lesson. Stop beating yourself up, and try not to be so hard on others either. 

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