Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Be Your Own Boss

Imagine a life in which you can live on your own terms, have the freedom to choose how you spend your time and the projects on which you work. With enough planning, patience and determination, this situation can be yours. While self-employment can be tough at times, as it comes with its own problems, stress and setbacks, the sense of accomplishment and pride you'll derive from it is worth the investment.

Why should you be your own boss?
1. The flexibility to work anywhere because you can choose your location you want to work in and with your laptop or iPad, you can work anywhere.
2. Do work that you enjoy because we spend about 80% of our lifetime spent working. So while you're working, why shouldn't you have fun? Be an entrepreneur and get paid to do something that you actually enjoy.
3. You have the opportunity to create jobs for others. There's no greater accomplishment than being able to support others to help them pay their bills and feed their families.
4. You will leave a legacy behind for your family and close ones. Working for yourself is an adventure. It will provide you with great stories to tell, wisdom to impart and a reason for people to remember and to respect you.

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