Thursday, July 16, 2015

Achieving your goals

Everyone has goals that they strive for, but many people give up these goals as soon as they run into difficult situations. It is these difficult situations that will determine if you will end up in the percentage who have goals and stop when it gets tough or if you will end up in the top with people who pushed through their difficult situations because they would not let anything distract them from their goal. Adreian Payne a former Michigan State basketball faced a lot of obstacles growing up, his mother died in his arms at only age 13 from an asthma attack, he had a disability which made it so that he wasn't able to learn as fast as the other students in his class, and his brothers would not even let him play basketball with them because of how bad they said he was. Adreian Payne made the biggest decision in his life of not allowing these obstacles to get in the way of him being in the NBA. He could have given up early and decided that it would be to difficult to achieve but instead he made sure to be noticed by Tom Izzo, by practicing day in and day out. He not only graduated with a Bachelors degree in Community Governance and Advocacy but he also  got drafted and is now a player for the Minnesota Timberwolves. 

Adreian Payne and many other Pro Athletes show us that even with all the obstacles that we face, it's that one decision we make that will determine whether we achieve our goals or not. 

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