Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Who is Mr. Kyle Redwine?

It's great to be able to have business partners who you enjoy the company of. Each member of the office definitely have their own unique characteristics and personality. It is always a joy to have everyone just hanging out and creating memories. For Mr. Kyle Redwine though, he is definitely a character who always brings the laughter and jokes to all of the gatherings and networking events. The reason Modern Marketing is shedding a spotlight on Kyle Redwine today is because he has proven himself to definitely be an asset to this company and organization. We all know he will go far not just in this business but also his future endeavors. 

So, Who is Mr. Redwine? Let's get to know this gentlemen.
One of our Director Dustin favorite traits about Kyle is that he's a golfer, golfing is something they both enjoy and sometime obsess over. Kyle was also a golf caddy for a year in 2008.Mr. Redwine is the typical sport minded gentlemen like majority of the guys here at Modern. So in high school, Kyle played football, soccer, and did track. Once he started college, Kyle focused and transitioned to just doing track. Which make sense that he focused his time in track since he won 1st place at the States Championship in the 100m and 200m dash. Mr. Redwine was also named 'Outstanding Athlete of the Meet.' Aside from his personal achievements, Mr. Redwine has inspired others to enjoy what life has to bring and the little memorable moments.

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