Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Are you a procrastinator?

Take the procrastination test and discover what king of procrastinator you may be!
Procrastination is the act of putting an essential task off to be completed at a later time. Most of the time, tasks that are not as important as others are to be done and completed more than critical ones. It may be one of the biggest challenges that anyone will have to overcome. We all feel like there is not enough time in a day to complete our list of tasks that are needed to be completed. 
There are many reasons for one person to procrastinate, maybe because we don't enjoy doing it or we just believe that we are not capable of completing the task. Whatever reason it may be, the sooner we figure it out, the better our situation will be. If we do not break out procrastination habits, it can have serious consequences.
So lets all take the procrastination test and figure out what kind of procrastinator we may be and learn how to improve it. Link provided below; so lets take the challenge!

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