Thursday, July 23, 2015

ELC this Weekend

Modern Marketing is excited to announce that our ELC - Emerging Leaders Conference is finally here!!! For Thursday and Friday, all of the directors from all of our locations will be flying and driving here to Michigan for our Directors Refreshers where they will finalize our Top Performers Retreat event and any upcoming events that they have in stores for all of the executives. For Friday evening, we are having about 8 executives from each of our offices from Grand Rapids, MI to Miami, FL come down to play some Fowling (football bowling) and to do some networking. Then on Saturday and Sunday, we will have a fun filled weekend with our conference that will be ran by our Vice President. There will definitely be knowledge thrown every where and also great private events that our CEO has planned and rented out for us. Modern Marketing is excited to be able to create such great events for those who has built such a great opportunity for everyone around them.

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