(Pictured: Kheir Maxwell; ETL)
Modern Marketing Detroit would like to announce a promotion that has been truly earned to Kheir Maxwell! Mr. Maxwell is now an Executive Team Lead here at Modern Marketing and at just age 19, he has accomplished so many promotion here with us! He was born and raised in the hearts here of Detroit, Michigan while enjoying his favorite hobby of basketball. Mr. Maxwell continues his college education majoring in mechanical engineering on a basketball scholarship while being his own entrepreneur here at our company. This young gentlemen definitely has extraordinary drive and the mindset of "You can never be too young to be successful."
Mr. Maxwell wants to prove that you can be successful if you stay humble and open-minded throughout your life, because there will always be bumps and bruises down the road of gaining experiences. But that's what makes an entrepreneur and an employee different, because and entrepreneur continues to stay motivated and dedicated throughout all of the tough times. They understand the purpose of the set backs to get to their dreams and goals that they continue to work so hard for. At the end, he understands that you learn to not make those same mistakes as well as anyone can accomplish the same goals as him, because "We all breath the same way, tie our shoes the same way, eat the same way, and walk the same way."