Thursday, May 21, 2015

Daniel B. LOW

Congrats ‘Dan the Man’ on getting voted to run one of 
our motivational meetings this week!

Get to Know Mr. Burns:
       1. Dan has only been in the business for 3 weeks and is now already one of the 
           top guys in the office.
       2. He is definitely caffeine sensitive; which is why our management team has 
           limited him to only one cup of coffee per day.
       3. Dan is a big sports guy who played football and wrestling.
       4. The most unusual thing Dan has ever eaten was peanut butter and jelly 
           sandwich with crackers on top.
       5. Cody and Calvin who is pictured with Dan below are his two trainers 
           when he first began and now they are the closest of friends and co-workers.

Pictured Left to Right: Daniel Burns, Cody Dominguez, Calvin Lesniak

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