Friday, May 1, 2015

Office Night 4.30.2015

Pictured from Left to Right: Director – Dustin W., ETT – Daumauria M., 
AE – Avery M., [our ETT Neika’s daughter], ETT – Cody D., Director – Rob H.

Yesterday we got the chance to network with a couple of the directors who came up for their Directors Refreshers this week and it was also our weekly family time also known as office night. The office ended up going to our Director Dustin’s place for a small cook out with some brats and burgers, to have a cupcake or two, watch the draft, and to play a game. The room was filled with throwback stories, laughter, and great energy for a memorable night.

We got the chance to kick off the month of May by celebrating a bonus, a promotion, and many birthdays. Daumauria, Avery, Neika’s daughter, and Cody all enjoyed their birthday month kick off and their chocolate cupcake. D had more than just his birthday on his mind; he was extremely excited about his promotion. D is currently our newest Executive Team Trainer here at Modern; that’s definitely not a bad birthday present. We also got the chance to get some coaching advice from Rob who runs one of the top organizations in our company, so we would say that Thursday wasn't a bad day at all this week at the office.

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