Monday, May 18, 2015

How to Stay Motivated

Each one of us has motivation, some things that spark our motivation are similar and some are not. But each of us tends to lose sight of what our goals are when things become foggy. So here are some tips and suggestion to live by in order to never lose sight of what you desire.

1.  Set goals and visualize them to the detail
You should know what you are achieving in order to have a purpose and set up ways to get there.
2.  List reasons why you are accomplishing the goals for
Connect yourself mentally and emotionally. Everyone has a why behind what they are doing.
3.  Have strategy
Work smarter not harder.
4. Get help
Reach out to others for help, we all need someone.
5. Have fun
Make things fun and enjoy the moments with fun stories to 
share once your goal is hit.                

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