Wednesday, May 6, 2015

6 Things You Should Quit Doing to Be More Successful

As human beings, we often don’t realize the thing that we are doing that causes us to become stagnant. Sometimes we blame everything else but ourselves when we are not able to develop ourselves to our full potentials.  There are 6 things that Forbes has stated that we continue to do to ourselves that causes us to not be more successful than what we should be.

Here are a couple of things that Forbes stated that we should quit doing:

Quit Stopping 
-        “Remember why you started it, then push onward. Because the more you stop and think about quitting, the longer it’ll take to get to your desired result.
Quit Saying Tomorrow 
-        “Delaying or procrastinating around something that you think is important means one of two things. You’re either scared to start because it means your life will change or you want it for the wrong reasons (i.e. someone else is encouraging you to do it).
Quit Being a Victim
-        “Our social groups are great for complaining. We all discuss our problems with our friends and that’s ok. But there are limits. Everyone gets a few opportunities to complain about a particular hardship, but if you seek advice and respond with “but I can’t” (said in whiny voice) too many times, you officially become a victim. Eventually, you’ll have to ask yourself whether you even want to fix the problem.
Quit Saying Yes
-        “It could be you don’t need to entirely quit saying yes. You may just need to analyze when you’re saying yes and what you’re trading for it. You might find yourself saying yes to things you don’t even care about and no to things that could make your life better in some way.
Quit Expecting 
-        “Your boss is like your significant other. Don’t expect them to read your mind. They’ll only know what you need when you tell them. If you really have your heart set on something (like a promotion), you must be vocal about it. If you don’t speak up, you’re leaving the translation up to them. Expect at your own risk.
Quit Avoiding
-        “If we didn’t have to work hard to reach success, we wouldn’t appreciate it. If there’s something you’re putting off because it’s boring you, it’s hard, physically demanding or tiring…just get up and get it done. Quit avoiding it. There will be rewards along the way and there will be a great sense of accomplishment at the end.

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