Friday, July 31, 2015

Kickball 2015

 Kickball 2015
Our kickball hangout did get a little heated with all of the competitive peers we have here at Modern Marketing. Most of the office made it Elks Park in Royal Oak, MI to get some kick and runs in before the night got dark. Competition definitely does bring true colors out since when each team would be down by a point or two, they would not be too happy. The teams would actually get more into the game and zone in order to be on top of points. It's such an amazing time to just be able to be outdoors and have some competitive fun. Our office dog Noodle even got the chance to hang out with us to enjoy a little sun and breeze. Thursday nights are always fun and exciting at Modern Marketing.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Join the Modern Marketing Team

You've had another rough day at work. And as you're talking about you job or about the fact you are feeling lost in the career path that you are in, your friends and family are asking you , "What do you want to do?"

Choosing a new career whether you want to do something that will be completely different or just to take a minor shift can seem impossible. There are so many options that we as human beings nowadays are spoiled. Sometimes we believe we are not qualified enough but many of times we think we are too qualified for certain jobs or career paths. Sometimes people are too worried about their current position that they are not thinking about taking action.

Sometime this week, take the first step toward 
planning your dream career.
Modern Marketing are always helping to build careers, so join our team by submitting your resume to and Human Resource will review your qualifications.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

ELC 2015

Being a part of a business with people who have so much motivation and determination will always drive their peers who are around them to do so much better to succeed. The Emerging Leaders Conference are for those who understands and believes in fighting and going through the hard time in order to reach goals they never thought was imaginable.
This past weekend has been the weekend we all have been waiting for in order to network and see how far we have come. Being able to see old faces from our other offices and as well as new and upcoming business partners has been great. The next conference will come sooner than we may think and everyone is definitely excited. Entrepreneurs will always want to be part of an organization that will have the ability to motivate them personally and professionally. 

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Mindset Growth

A 'growth mindset' thrives on challenge and sees failure not as evidence of un-intelligence but as a heartening springboard for growth and for stretching our existing abilities. Without developing a mindset for self growth, we become stagnant in a mediocre existence, living by default and not by design. So here are some inspiring growth to get us all to the successful state we want to be:
"What you envision in your mind, how you see yourself, and how you envision the world around you is of great importance because those things become your focus." 
-Eric Thomas
"The only true failure lies in the failure to start." 
-Harold Blake Walker
"Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young." 
-Henry Ford
"Growth is the great separator between those who succeed and those who do not." 
-John C. Maxwell
"Success comes from knowing that you did your best to become the bet that you are capable of being." 
-John Wooden

Monday, July 27, 2015

Let's Go Fowling

We got the chance to experience so many new and interesting things since being a part of Modern Marketing, we all decided to go Fowling and experience a new and upcoming game! The football bowling pin game is also known as Fowling. Fowling is a hybrid game that combines elements of football, bowling, and horseshoes. The object of the game is for teams to be the first to knock all their opponents pins down by throwing a football at 10 bowling pins which are positioned in a triangular format. Get a Strike & you Win! So whenever you all want to network in a fun and exciting environment, go to Fowling Warehouse. A good experience for some good fun with co-workers, business partners, friends, and families.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Let the Conference Begin!!!

Yayyyyy!!!! The Emerging Leaders Conference is finally here!!!! Let's all get ready 
to build and evolve all of our futures personally and professionally. There will be many 
exciting news to announce coming to Modern Marketing this upcoming year and we 
can not wait to be able to tell the world. Even though we will be discussing many
current events that we are currently doing, such as our charity with Souls4Soles
to our company wide weekend vacation to Viva La Vegas in a couple of months.
This weekend is for all of the top executives who have stepped up through out the
past five to six months in our company. It will definitely be a fun filled weekend. 
Stay tune for updates and more pictures coming soon...

Thursday, July 23, 2015

ELC this Weekend

Modern Marketing is excited to announce that our ELC - Emerging Leaders Conference is finally here!!! For Thursday and Friday, all of the directors from all of our locations will be flying and driving here to Michigan for our Directors Refreshers where they will finalize our Top Performers Retreat event and any upcoming events that they have in stores for all of the executives. For Friday evening, we are having about 8 executives from each of our offices from Grand Rapids, MI to Miami, FL come down to play some Fowling (football bowling) and to do some networking. Then on Saturday and Sunday, we will have a fun filled weekend with our conference that will be ran by our Vice President. There will definitely be knowledge thrown every where and also great private events that our CEO has planned and rented out for us. Modern Marketing is excited to be able to create such great events for those who has built such a great opportunity for everyone around them.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Who is Mr. Kyle Redwine?

It's great to be able to have business partners who you enjoy the company of. Each member of the office definitely have their own unique characteristics and personality. It is always a joy to have everyone just hanging out and creating memories. For Mr. Kyle Redwine though, he is definitely a character who always brings the laughter and jokes to all of the gatherings and networking events. The reason Modern Marketing is shedding a spotlight on Kyle Redwine today is because he has proven himself to definitely be an asset to this company and organization. We all know he will go far not just in this business but also his future endeavors. 

So, Who is Mr. Redwine? Let's get to know this gentlemen.
One of our Director Dustin favorite traits about Kyle is that he's a golfer, golfing is something they both enjoy and sometime obsess over. Kyle was also a golf caddy for a year in 2008.Mr. Redwine is the typical sport minded gentlemen like majority of the guys here at Modern. So in high school, Kyle played football, soccer, and did track. Once he started college, Kyle focused and transitioned to just doing track. Which make sense that he focused his time in track since he won 1st place at the States Championship in the 100m and 200m dash. Mr. Redwine was also named 'Outstanding Athlete of the Meet.' Aside from his personal achievements, Mr. Redwine has inspired others to enjoy what life has to bring and the little memorable moments.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Upcoming Executives!

One of the most difficult parts of reaching your goals or making positive change is pushing through discomfort. This is where a a lot of people give up - when the process inspires all kinds of challenging feelings. If you've quit your day job to pursue your passion and after six months you need to sell your car to keep going, a cubicle may appeal to you for the need of security. But maybe your will is strong enough to clear any emotional hurdles, but odds are that you have a voice inside your head saying "Go back. It's too hard. It's not worth it." Every one needs to remember that when your emotions get louder, challenge them with more emotions because that is exactly what all of our executives did and are continuing to do. Especially Micah Shaw, Morgan Couvillion, Kyle Redwine, and Ray Mallebay. These four executives pushed through the pain to build their success and we are waiting to see more growth that has to come with them being a part of our organization.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Modern Weekend Out

 Modern Marketing decided to meet up to enjoy the Pigs and Whiskey Festival here in Ferndale, Michigan over the weekend. Every summer for about 3 day, Ferndale gives us a summer to enjoy with great BBQ and live music. Locals and tourists gets the chance to explore the downtown area of Ferndale with great musical backdrops while every one gets the chance to find the best barbecue restaurant on the strip. Modern definitely brought our appetite over the weekend.  

Friday, July 17, 2015

At the Golfing Range

On Thursday evening, the office decided to go to the golf range right by our 
office to get some relaxing time in and the chance to enjoy some time with each other. 
The whole office works so hard that it is always good to just be able to take off our 
suit & tie and take some swings. Some of the guys would love to be on the 
golf course all day and every day, while some of us would just 
love to be some what decent. We are always looking for new ideas of things to do. 
So what are some of your favorite hobbies? We would love to get some suggestions. 
Comment below.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Achieving your goals

Everyone has goals that they strive for, but many people give up these goals as soon as they run into difficult situations. It is these difficult situations that will determine if you will end up in the percentage who have goals and stop when it gets tough or if you will end up in the top with people who pushed through their difficult situations because they would not let anything distract them from their goal. Adreian Payne a former Michigan State basketball faced a lot of obstacles growing up, his mother died in his arms at only age 13 from an asthma attack, he had a disability which made it so that he wasn't able to learn as fast as the other students in his class, and his brothers would not even let him play basketball with them because of how bad they said he was. Adreian Payne made the biggest decision in his life of not allowing these obstacles to get in the way of him being in the NBA. He could have given up early and decided that it would be to difficult to achieve but instead he made sure to be noticed by Tom Izzo, by practicing day in and day out. He not only graduated with a Bachelors degree in Community Governance and Advocacy but he also  got drafted and is now a player for the Minnesota Timberwolves. 

Adreian Payne and many other Pro Athletes show us that even with all the obstacles that we face, it's that one decision we make that will determine whether we achieve our goals or not. 

Simple Things to Get Through Tough Times

In any type of business, there will always be difficult 
times and situation that will occur without any control. So here are 
some tips in order to get through the most 
difficult times while you are trying to build your career.
1. Stay Positive :
"Life is not the way it's supposed to be, it's the way it is. The
way you cope is what makes the difference."
2. Get Creative :
There are times when you can't do much to change your situation.
You just have to deal with is. But there are other times when you
can actively work to make the situation better.
3. Learn From the Difficult Times :
"Facing difficulties is inevitable, learning from them is optional."
4. Change It Up :
After you identify the key takeaways from your difficult
time, you just need to make a change. If it's a change you can
implement immediately, do it. You don't want to be in the middle of a
difficult situation longer than necessary.
5. Know What You're Grateful For :
Gratitude means showing appreciation for all the good in your life,
instead of focusing on the negative. Get clear about
what it is that you're grateful for.
6. Focus on What You Can Control, Not What You Can't :
Some situations are beyond your control and no matter what you do,
you can't change a thing. You're setting yourself up for
frustration when you focus your time and energy on
things you can't control.
7. Be Kind to Yourself :
You need to care for yourself to survive tough times.
Do something that gets your mind and body engaged at a higher level.
8. Forgive :
Someone else might be at fault for the bad situation you
find yourself in, the natural response is to harbor anger but what
if instead you forgave that person. You accepted what
happened, so you would feel without focusing on the
negative feelings and focus on moving forward.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Are you a procrastinator?

Take the procrastination test and discover what king of procrastinator you may be!
Procrastination is the act of putting an essential task off to be completed at a later time. Most of the time, tasks that are not as important as others are to be done and completed more than critical ones. It may be one of the biggest challenges that anyone will have to overcome. We all feel like there is not enough time in a day to complete our list of tasks that are needed to be completed. 
There are many reasons for one person to procrastinate, maybe because we don't enjoy doing it or we just believe that we are not capable of completing the task. Whatever reason it may be, the sooner we figure it out, the better our situation will be. If we do not break out procrastination habits, it can have serious consequences.
So lets all take the procrastination test and figure out what kind of procrastinator we may be and learn how to improve it. Link provided below; so lets take the challenge!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

What are you investing in?

Investing means putting your money to work for you. It's a different way we all can think about how to make money. We all know that if we want more money, we will have to work for it by putting in more hours. However, there is a limit to how many hours in a day we can work. 

The reason why we all would love to invest rather than just for the money, it's pretty to understand that every one wants to increase their personal freedom and a sense of security and the ability to afford the finer things they want in their life. Investing becomes more of a necessity. Now learn what you are investing in and what are the reason behind them in order to take advantage of the idea.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Debbie's Promotion!!!

 Congratulations Debbie on your promotion. Your contributions to Modern Marketing will definitely give you much success in our company. The growth and dedication that you have shown has proven your partnership with us as well as building the foundation to any successful organization. Modern is excited to see another promotion coming for you within the next couple of months and have you move into your own route of opportunity and success.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Bowling with some Business Partners

Benefits of networking and spending some tine with business partners is something we have to constantly keep in our mind. The reason why we have to invest our time with networking is because we constantly have to remember that we are dealing with people every single moment. Surrounding yourself with the right people will keep your positive mindset alive and to learn great traits that has given others their success. We start to create a friendship with the simple benefit of just having friends in the business and knowing that they will have our backs. Networking has given many CEO's and Presidents opportunities and connections in other markets. We also receive advice that may be life changing and we have never heard before that was much needed. So lets continue to enjoy the moment, create memories and enjoy the relationships.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Purpose of Business Trips

So this week has been full of adventures for Modern Marketing. Many executives from our Troy location got the chance to go on a business trip to our Ann Arbor location as well as some of their executives got the chance to come to our office. There are the primary purpose why we like planning out a business trip for our executives here at Modern:
To meet with existing or potential clients
There are team-related meetings
Training and development
Linking traveling with business goals will help companies more efficient and better support their strategic priorities.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Amra Saljic Promotion

Another promotion at Modern Marketing! It's great to be a part of a business with endless growth and opportunity! Congrats to Amra Saljic for continuing her dedication and drive to show that hard work definitely pays off. When she wants something, she goes after it without being stopped. Amra continued to push with her all and understand why you are wanting to build and develop yourself for your successful future! 
"DO NOT give up & YOU will get there some how some way!"
Here are some ways to help anyone who wants to get promoted from a position they are currently in :
Surround yourself with people who challenges you.
Don't expect or want the need to get praised, get criticized with information on how to improve your work to get better.
'No Drama' - Those in the office should not effect your working capabilities.
Enjoy what you are doing, so just simply SMILE.
Take notes in order to learn from others and the speakers.
Never skip an office party, because a strong office relationship will create a great and strong dynamic.
Ask for help if needed.
Have a solution when things are not working out.
Know your job & just do it.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

There Will Be...

If achieving goals were easy, everyone would be able to do it quickly and without 
any difficulty. There are always obstacles in a path that you plan or want to succeed in. It's the joy and journey of clearing those obstacles that makes life rich, and helping people feels good with accomplishment when they reach their success. In order to overcome obstacles, we must embrace self-awareness, use time to your advantage, commit to focused discipline, and engage your own creativity.
THERE WILL BE things that you may not like, BUT you are the only person who can do something about it to get you to your goals.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Colin Meister Promotion

Congratulations to Colin Meister on his promotion!

Modern is excited to announce another promotion to the team! Mr. Meister started here just weeks ago and now he is already earning his ETT title in our company. Colin got the chance to go on a business trip last week with a couple of the other executives at Modern and learned a lot of new knowledge to help him with his entrepreneur mindset. Colin's mindset is very sport-like so he knew that there was no stopping him and he was going to go all the way with more promotions to come. He has definitely brought a new excitement to our office and we are extremely excited to see the new ideas he has to bring.

Friday, July 3, 2015

Independence Day!

Independence Day is also known as the Fourth of July, where July 4th has been a federal holiday in the United States since 1941. But the tradition of Independence Day celebrations goes back to the 18th century and the American Revolution from 1775 - 1783. In June 1776, representatives of the 13 colonies then fighting in the revolutionary struggle weighed a resolution that would declare their independence from Great Britain. On July 2nd, the Continental Congress voted in favor or indepence, and two days later its delegates adopted the Declaration of Indepence, a historic document drafted by Thomas Jefferson. From 1776 until the present day, July 4th has been celebrated as the birth of American independence with typical festivites from fireworks, parades, concerts, and family gatherings and barbecues. 
Have a safe 4th of July weekend!

Thursday, July 2, 2015


IDOL: Person or thing regarded with admiration, adoration, or devotion.
RIVAL: Person or thing competing with another for the same objective or for superiority in the same field of activity.

Every one has an idol who they want to model their life after, especially entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs has their own vision but also understands success. And in order for success, entrepreneurs need to understand other successful entrepreneurs vision in order to one day become as big if not bigger. We all will become idols to others and rivals to some but it will mean nothing if we do not create our own success for ourselves. 

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

No Excuses Mentality

Entrepreneurship doesn't mean to make excuses. The only right answer to anything is to learn how to be completely accountable for yourself, what you do and what you do not do. When you accept everything and accept that accountability, than you are willing to live a no excuse life. You want to create a powerful internal dynamic rather than being externally motivated by what is happening around you and will become internally motivated. You learn how to believe in yourself and set yourself to standards that will push you.